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Great Sunrise

Mount Bromo, together with Mount Tengger and Mount Semeru, is one of the most beautiful places of interest in East Java. Watching the sun rises from the crest of Mount Bromo is a very exciting experience for the tourists coming to this mountain. 

From a vantage point on Mount Penanjakan (2,770 meters above sea level), 2.5 hours from Malang. visitors from around the world come to see the sunrise over Mount Bromo. From this spot the view is magnificent. All you will hear is the click of cameras as visitors snap their camera’s hoping to capture the incredible scene of Mount Bromo in the foreground with Mount Semeru smoking in the distance and the sun shining brightly, quickly rising in the sky.  

1345 km

Kangaroo Crossing! Driving late at night can be downright treacherous with all the kangas in these parts. My advice? Drive slowly and keep your brights on at all times!
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